To Save A Life: Film Resonates with Teenage Audience

To Save A Life: Film Resonates with Teenage Audience

The film To Save a Life debuted last Friday to impressive numbers. reports that the film grossed approximately 1.5 million dollars over opening weekend. The film centers on an all-star high school athlete who must come to grips with the direction his...
Domino’s Pizza: Model for Ministry or…?

Domino’s Pizza: Model for Ministry or…?

Domino’s Pizza has recently started a new ad campaign to promote their new pizza. It’s a little unusual – the ad campaign intentionally discloses some pretty harsh criticism of their past product. They quote actual customers who compare the pizza crust to...
Ministry of Reconciliation (Changing Generations Part 8)

Ministry of Reconciliation (Changing Generations Part 8)

As you may have guessed, the title of this series has been something of a double entendre.  Generationally speaking, the church is in a state of change.  But with the power of the gospel, leaders are able to effect a positive change in their churches and communities. ...