Cross Cultural, Part 5: “Go and do Likewise”

Cross Cultural, Part 5: “Go and do Likewise”

Thank you for your kind attention during this series.  We have gone through a missional reading of Colossians, identifying what it means to be Cross Cultural.  In this series, we discovered that Cross Cultural living means: Thinking Christianly: to have a Biblical...
Cross Cultural, Part 4: Living Redemptively

Cross Cultural, Part 4: Living Redemptively

“Preach the gospel.  If necessary, use words.”  With these words from St. Francis of Assisi, we concluded yesterday’s discussion of communicating culturally.  We discussed the many features of both Colossian and contemporary culture, concluding that ministry within...
Cross Cultural, Part 3: Communicating Culturally

Cross Cultural, Part 3: Communicating Culturally

Welcome back.  Today we continue unpacking Paul’s message to the Colossians.  Yesterday we used this letter to establish that the first component of a Cross Cultural ministry is to think Christianly.  Thinking Christianly means having an orthodox view of Christ’s...
Cross Cultural, Part 2: Thinking Christianly

Cross Cultural, Part 2: Thinking Christianly

In yesterday’s post, we drew a parallel between the confused spirituality of 21st century America and first century Colosse.  We concluded that as Christ’s followers, our task is to be Cross Cultural missionaries to our culture.  The next few posts will follow the...
Cross Cultural, Part 1: Who Do They Say That I Am?

Cross Cultural, Part 1: Who Do They Say That I Am?

The following is a multi-part series summarizing a message I gave at November 6th’s ONE Service.  Thanks again to Curtis Miller for his invitation.  This series will be appearing as well at the ONE Website.  Jesus is everywhere in our culture today. On the recent...