Logos: Art of the Incarnation Part 2

At considerable risk of self-promotion, today’s artist is none other than myself. The above piece of artwork is entitled Logos, done in oil pastel on paper. The Greek word logos is most literally translated as “word,” as it appears in the prologue to...

Kokoschka: Art of the Incarnation Part 1

This week we’ll be looking at a selection of the ways the incarnation of Christ has been depicted in the visual arts, an area too often neglected by Evangelical Christianity. Our first painting is entitled Verkundigung or “Annunciation,” done in 1911 by artist Oskar...

Salvation is Created: Bifrost Arts

Salvation is Created By Bifrost Arts Download the song “Joy Joy!!!”  I love music.  But usually this is the time of year that department stores start piping in sickeningly sweet Christmas music presumably designed to work shoppers into a buying frenzy.  Which is a...
“Wait for Me:” Moby, David Lynch and Creativity

“Wait for Me:” Moby, David Lynch and Creativity

Moby’s latest effort is perhaps his most personal.  “In making this record I wanted to focus on making something that I loved, without really being concerned about how it might be received by the marketplace. As a result it’s a quieter and more melodic and more...